Plex cloud
Plex cloud

plex cloud plex cloud

I could have used something more powerful but I figured this would be a good starting point. The only instance type I was allowed to use under the free tier was t2.micro so my hands were a bit tied. It also helps that installing Docker is a bit easier as the AWS repositories haven't caught up with Docker's change to Docker CE. I figured "when in Rome" (EU region, get it?) and opted for the Amazon-flavoured version of Linux for no reason other than these were the first options on the list. Image: Amazon Linux AMI 2017.03.1 (HVM), SSD Volume Type.There are quite a lot of options made available by Amazon, but I decided on the following: EC2 - The ServerĮC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is where the server will be deployed - it's in my eyes, the heart of AWS. I tried my best to see what was possible while staying within the confines of the always- free tier for AWS accounts.ĪWS is a veritable supermarket of tools, from databases to AI, but in my case all I needed was an EC2 instance and an EBS volume. Once I'd worked out that obvious list of requirements, I fired up my old, disused AWS account and checked out what the free tier would provide for me. It really only boils down to those two components when it comes to Plex. Some form of storage for the media content.A running virtual host, preferably Linux.So, here's what I did.įirstly, I had to understand what it was I needed in order to get my solution up and running. Still, I thought to myself if anything else, it'd make an interesting case-study to deploy an EC2 instance and fire up Plex. Netflix is, in my eyes, a world-leader in video delivery, so I figured if they can use AWS to serve their content, why can't I? I mean, sure, they're an international multi-billion dollar powerhouse, and I am but one man.

Plex cloud